Oyster Reef Restoration Assessment and Monitoring

The Oyster Reef Restoration Assessment and Monitoring project is a collaboration between the Palacios Marine Agriculture Research, Inc (PMAR) and the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi. The project intends to collect and analyze data necessary for identifying locations with reasonable potential for employing nature-based solutions at targeted locations along the Corpus Christi Bay shoreline and Aransas Bay, as identified from the related ecology project for the same area.

One of the project objectives will involve the field collection of oysters and surficial sediments to identify locations with reasonable potential for employing nature-based solutions, in particular to support oysters, within targeted locations along the Corpus Christi Bay shoreline.

A second objective will evaluate field collected oysters for infection by Perkinsus marinus, the causative agent of Dermo disease, using Ray’s Fluid Thioglycollate culture method.

Data on oyster density, size, and disease characteristics will be analyzed and presented using text, graphics, and tabular summaries, as well as within a Geographic Information System (GIS) to illustrate spatial trends in live oyster abundance and size. Results will be presented in draft and final report sections that will document the data collection process, methods of analysis, and interpretation. Results and alternatives will be discussed with Dr. James Gibeaut and PMAR, and feedback will be provided on locations with reasonable potential for nature-based solutions within the project area. Data will be submitted to GRIIDC for long-term curation and archiving.