Ulsía Urrea Mariño, M.S.
Ulsía is from Mexico City, Mexico. In 2017, Ulsía participated in the Harte Research Institute's Student Workshop on International Coastal and Marine Management (SWIMM) program where she was first connected with the Institute. Since that time, Ulsía has been remained connected to HRI's projects, especially with the SWIMM events (2018 and 2020), the Trinational Initiative (2018), and the Gulf of Mexico Coral Reef Preliminary Report Card (2019). Ulsía is now a Ph.D. candidate in the Coastal and Marine Systems Sciences program and a Crutchfield Fellow in the Community Resilience Group. She is dedicated to studying the integrated management of coastal zones in Latin America and the USA, Mexican policy on oceans and coasts, climate-resilient coastal urban development, and science diplomacy actions in the Gulf of Mexico. Her doctoral project evaluates urban resilience in the Gulf of Mexico in the face of climate change by incorporating nature-, communities-, and infrastructure-based solutions in urban planning processes. In 2023, she was honored to receive the "Research For Change on the Environmental Awareness Month" award from MAXQDA in Germany for her doctoral proposal.
In her spare time, Ulsía likes to play with her cats and relax on the nearest beach. She is an outreach enthusiast, a scientist committed to evidence-based decisions, and a promoter of women's participation in STEAM areas. Her plan is to continue her academic career and support in the decision-making processes and outreach activities of marine and coastal issues.